Metalhed is a webcomic that tells the adventures of Tom Ayala, a dude that got power for accident and becomes a superhero.
So he decided to call himself Metalhed, because he thinks he is trve.
An early version of this comic was released in 1995 in fanzines almost unknown. It was very underground. Since then nobody knows about him and our hero became an urban legend*.
*Creative license.
Until now, recently it came back to the internet. And the hero returns with his adventures for the delight of new misfits readers… and YOU who kindly follow this comic, and really know what metal is about.
NEW READERS. You can start to read the archive.
About the author:
Omar Estévez Viveros (Trucu) is a mexican illustrator. Was born in Veracruz. He illustrated for Cine Premiere, Nick y MAD magazines (México). Is a freelancer in several publish agencies. He recently participated in a feature movie Guardians of the Lost Code (Brijes 3d) on design and backgrounds and La Revolución de Juan Escopeta (Juan Escopeta’s Revolution) in digital clean up department.
In Veracruz he participated with Estudio Utopía in Portal de Sueños (comic) between the years 2000-2003. Portal was made with the support of CONACULTA and State govermet with Estímulo a la Creación Artística (Support to Artistic Creation).
Here is his Deviant Art Gallery.